API Integration

API is an application programming interface, which is an interface or protocol of communication between segments of a program and hardware. API is a kind of bridge that enables interactions between elements of software and hardware without additional troubles or delays. APIs can be used to connect elements of operating systems, libraries, databases or web systems and apps.
We have an expert team of developers that can integrate the thirdparty API to your exiting website/web portal as well as new web application. 

Advantages of Third-Party APIs :

  1. Cost reduction
  2. Increased usability
  3. Uniqueness
  4. Access to analytics available on the server-side
  5. Cost reduction


What APIs Can Actually Do For Your App

  • Fetching services from remote platforms and software
  • Fetching information from other services.
  • Connecting hardware of a phone to app functions

Examples of the most popular APIs :

  • Google API
  • Facebok API
  • Twitter API
  • Google Map API
  • SendGrid API
  • Twilio API etc.